Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Balance and Action

We returned on Monday evening from our trip to Colorado. It was a great time with cousins Ben and Beth, and Ben. It is always helpful to have conversations with people who I am close to in explaining more in depth about what I am doing. And going over again the questions of vision and how missional church starts are so different . . .

But the real deal is that I am home again with no broken bones and Tim and I are still talking!!! (When your husband tries to teach you to do something that he is good at there is always some tension). My cousin Ben gave me a short lesson in snow boarding at A Basin on Saturday (my last few runs of the day – on the bunny hill). And I finally understood what I was doing wrong and what I could easily fix. After this many times on the slopes you may think that I would have figured it out – I knew there was something I was missing – but didn’t quite know what. Although those who know me best won’t be surprised – what I was missing was BALANCE. Basically staying low to the ground. When I get anxious I tend to straighten up and then it is easier to lose balance – as well as getting hurt when hitting the ground. But by having faith in my abilities, and myself and by staying relaxed, it was much more fun, and I did a lot better.

And while we did not get a chance to get out again for me to practice more – I have been thinking more about this whole Balance/low-to-the-ground (next time we go I will be like an old pro – or hack).

Balance seems to be an issue that keeps coming into all of out lives – and as I think about it, as we are able to stay relaxed balance becomes a natural outcome. But when we get frustrated, tense, upset, we tend to become rigid and we are more susceptible to injury, or worse.

In terms of church planting – (which I think is more naturally suitable to me than snowboarding) this whole balance thing is important to remember. Balancing time, people, personalities, expectations, and of course traditions and creativity – while keeping with the convictions that we as Christians hold in being followers, nay DISCIPLES of Jesus.

How does that all happen? I think first and foremost it is again the reminder that God has called me to be me. Second it is the balance of recognizing my own convictions alongside of being attentive and listening to the stories, the cries, the laughter and the lives of those who I am in contact with in this community, while attempting to name where God is active and enter into God’s story. While this may not seem like much – there are some amazing things that come out of being attentive and willing to be open to following where God may be calling.

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