Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17 - No Wind for Kites

Dara got a kite for her birthday so we decided to try to go to the park and see if there was enough wind.  With little success at the park we thought we would try plan B and headed for the beach.  Unfortunately today was a remarkably calm day.  And while we are mostly happy for calm days - it is not so good when one is trying to fly a kite.  I was able to get it in the air, but not enough for Dara to be able to hang onto it.  Luckily she loves the beach and the sand and we have dubbed this year "The year of getting Dirty".  One might ask why - well in all honesty I have spent the first 3 years of Dara's life trying to not let her get dirty, because I really do not like cleaning.  However, I have noticed that she has a bit of an aversion to dirt (with the exception of sand).  Dara spent a good deal of time rolling around in the sand on this beach trip - and then continued to remind me that this was the Year of Getting Dirty!!!
sand angels!!!
buried feet
Pier and waves - gorgeous
shadow from the water

Dara, kite and Pier.

p.s. - Christina - this is what I was doing when I was talking with you about running, ministry and kids.

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