Saturday, January 07, 2012

January 7 . . . This morning I had a long workout with yoga and running and walking to and from the Farmer's Market.  I was not too keen on walking down to the beach, but what a beautiful day!  Tim even when out for an afternoon surf which is rare around here since there is almost always wind in the afternoon - but not today- if you can pick out the flag on the pier in these pics you may notice the amount of non-windiness!  Thankfully I had some good company with Tim and Dara, walking down to the beach.

1 comment:

Think Positive and SMILE! said...

Erin, Hi! One of your cousins here! I love the picture of the two people on their bikes! I think it's great that you have the goal of going to the beach every day! I also think it's great that you live right near the beach. We live about 2 hours from the beach, so we don't go there very often. Keep up the great blogging! I enjoy looking at all of your pictures at the beach!